Friday, February 15, 2013

Sea Day 2-10-2013

Today, as we made our way toward our final port of Singapore, I sat for one last time on our balcony, taking in the mirrored water, on this warm, somewhat muggy and breezy day and enjoying the calmness and beauty of the early morning. 

Happy Chinese New Year! The outdoor grill was decorated and a special buffet of Chinese food was served for lunch. We were told that many countries celebrate the New Year for one to two weeks, so  festivities should be continuing when we are in Singapore.

On this final day there was more to celebrate. The Earth's equator is an imaginary line on the Earth's surface equidistant from the North Pole and South Pole, dividing the Earth into the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere.

In the U.S. and many other navies, when a ship crosses the equator a time-honored ceremony takes place. With few exceptions, those who have been inducted into the "mysteries of the deep" by Neptunus Rex and his Royal court, count the experience as a highlight of their naval career.  Members of Neptunus Rex's party usually include Davy Jones, Neptune's first assistant, Her Highness Amphitrite, the Royal Scribe, the Royal Doctor, the Royal Dentist, and others who suit the party. Officially recognized by service record entries, the crossing involves elaborate preparation by the "shellbacks" (those who have crossed the equator before) to ensure the "pollywogs" (those who are about to cross the equator for the first time) are properly indoctrinated. All pollywogs, even the Commanding Officer if he has not crossed before, must participate. 
We gathered with others on deck to watch as members of the crew, who were "pollywogs" were covered with, the only way to describe it was "goop", made to kiss a fish and thrown into the ship's swimming pool. By only the witnessing the event, all of the passengers qualified for a traditional certificate commemorating their transition from "pollywog" to "shellback" and this was yet another first to add to the many others of this journey.

It is hard to believe that we have been on the ship this long. It has been 54 days, but has not felt like a long time. We have seen so many sights, had so many interesting experiences, with such a variety of people that each day was its own adventure and the trip in total was a complete adventure, never to be forgotten and truly appreciated and cherished.

1 comment:

  1. very entertaining. really a great way to spend your day. looks so amazing. i love to go for such kinda trips. Hire A Yacht In Dubai
